A place at the table. Find yours at the next Young Life Event.
EHS YL meets on most Monday nights at 7:07pm in different locations (Winegars, McDonalds take over, the YL House, etc.). Text @EHSyoungli to 81010 to get texts about upcoming events.
KSS YL meets on most Monday nights at 7:07pm in different locations (Winegars, McDonalds take over, the YL House, etc.). Text @ehsyounli to 81010 to get texts about upcoming events
Wyldlife meets every other Friday at 6-7pm. Text @mmswyld to 81010 to get texts about upcoming events.
Capernaum has started meeting regularly once a month again! Contact the YL office to hear about the next meeting time! Location: The Young Life house at 1203 Umptanum Road, Ellensburg, WA 98926.
Check out our Calendar for which days we are meeting, and contact Cassie Coats to get involved: cassiecoats@me.com